All our berets are made from merino wool

The finest wool in the world, a fibre that is 3 times finer than a human hair strand.

The thickness of an average merino wool fibre ranges from 13–24 microns (by way of comparison, Shetland wool fibres are 40 microns thick and a strand of human hair is 60 microns thick).

Wool is natural temperature and moisture regulator. It keeps you warm in winter and cool in the summer.

If you place a strand of wool under the microscope, its surface structure appears irregular and covered with scales that overlap like roof tiles. Thanks to these physical features, the wool traps the air in its fibres, stops it from moving, and thus acts as an insulator protecting the head from the external environment.
In contrast to synthetic fibres, merino wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight in water, yet appears dry (its absorption rate is 100–150 times higher than that of polyester).

Odour-repellent wool : merino wool is naturally antibacterial. It breaks down odour-bearing molecules with ease and retards the onset of bad odours.

Any moisture coming into contact with the beret slides off, and in doing so removes odours and dirt thanks to the lanoline in the merino wool fibres. As a result, merino wool offers better resistance to soiling, while perspiration is absorbed and expelled to the fabric’s surface leaving no time for unpleasant smells to develop.